Missing you....

Created by Qajavanique 12 years ago
I miss you very much Reggie!...I am so glad this site was made for you. I think about you a lot and I miss you dearly. I remember when you first moved to the neighborhood of Western Rd. I use to call you "O-DOG" from the movie Menace ll Society and you would always laugh at me. We had some very fun times , I remember you use to come sit on the porch with me and ask me to braid your hair and my grandma would yell at me.I still have the 1$ bill you sent me for my birthday in 1999 that I will never get rid of. Every once in an while I would google your name and today was one of the days that you were on my mind and I came across this site. Every July 9th that comes around, I try to think of happy thoughts and the fun times, but I still shed tears because I didn't get a chance to say "Goodbye" and you were taken away too soon!...I will never forget you and I misd you! -Qon